Ideal client:
My ideal clients are people who are willing to explore past relationships and experiences to see how they might be impacting their current functioning and emotional states. I greatly enjoy working with those who are open to incorporating different creative approaches into the therapeutic process, whether it be some form of art, reading, or mind-body activities. I also have a strong interest in supporting and working with those who identify as highly sensitive, empathic, and/or introverted, since I know that these individuals often experience the world in a way that can make them feel “different” from others (if you know, you know).
Why do you enjoy being a therapist:
This work allows for constant growth opportunities, both for me and my clients. I have always felt most fulfilled when I am connecting with and helping others, and it is a privilege to be a therapist because it is a role that allows me to live my values through my job. I also love that I am constantly learning from my clients, simply by listening to their stories and stepping into their worlds for a while. Their willingness to share helps me help others, and it’s an incredible cycle to watch and be a part of.
What is something you want clients to know about you (or your work)
I am authentic and transparent in my work, and I frequently use psychoeducation with my clients because I want them to understand their treatment so they can be fully invested in it. My primary professional areas of interest right now are attachment theory and trauma, and I continue to engage in different types of learning and professional development whenever possible.
Favorite quote: “We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.” -Charles Bukowski
Favorite hobbies: Jewelry making, photography, reading, hiking, knitting
Favorite self-care strategy: Traveling. Even though it’s not something I can exactly do frequently, I am constantly thinking about where I’d like to visit next. I make it a priority to set aside time and resources for these trips, and I often find that the planning process and the feeling of having something to look forward to can be just as beneficial as the trip itself.